
Service unto Humanity is Service unto God !

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On Date: 21 June 2015
Activity: Yoga

Around 500 gents and ladies participated in a Yoga Shibir arranged between 7.00 am & 7.45 am in the morning on Sunday, the 21st June 2015 in Ambrish Hall of Haridham Temple to celebrate International Yoga Day by Yogi Divine Society and received the most useful and important information about Yoga’s effects on health improving technics through its practical demonstration.

Ap„sffpô²$ue ep¡N qv$hk“u DS>hZu“p D‘¾$d¡ frhhpf, sp.21-6-2015“p fp¡S> khpf¡ 7:00 ’u 7:45 v$fçep“ ep¡Nu qX$hpB“ kp¡kpeV$u Üpfp A„bfuj lp¡g - lqf^pd d„qv$f Mps¡ Apep¡Æs ep¡N rirbf“p¡ Apif¡ 500 S>¡V$gp cpBAp¡-bl¡“p¡A¡ gpc gB ep¡N“u õhpõÕeh^®L$ AkfL$pfL$sp rhi¡ âpep¡rNL$ r“v$i®“ krls ÅZL$pfu d¡mhu.

On Date: 27 June 2015

An entirely a new-unique program, as a result of joint efforts/cooperation of Yogi Divine Society and Bharatiya Vichar Manch (Anand), was organized at Atmiya Vidya Dham, Bakrol in the evening between 4.00 pm & 6.30 pm on Saturday, the 27th June 2015, the main aim of which was to quench the thirst of knowledge by consuming a sip of it from the vast ocean of literature, meaning, to find out from the participants about the books liked/loved most by them and to analyse their opinions about them. About 100 poets, writers and professors from Anand and Vidyanagar had participated in the program.

ir“hpf, sp. 27-06-2015“p fp¡S> kp„S>¡ 4:00 ’u 6:30 v$fçep“ ApÐdue rhÛp^pd - bpL$fp¡g Mps¡ ep¡Nu rX$hpB“ kp¡kpeV$u s’p cpfsue rhQpf d„Q (ApZ„v$) “p k„eyL$s D‘¾$d¡ kfõhsu h„v$“p“p¡ A¡L$ “p¡Mp¡-A“p¡Mp¡ L$pe®¾$d ep¡ÅB Nep¡. L$pe®¾$d“p¡ l¡sy rhÛpkpNfdp„’u A„S>gu cfu op“ r‘‘pkp“u s©rá L$fhp“p¡ lsp¡, A¡V$g¡ L¡$ L$pe®¾$ddp„ kpd¡g hpQL$p¡ ‘pk¡’u s¡d“¡ Ndsp ‘yõsL$p¡“p¡ ‘qfQe d¡mhu, s¡“¡ gNsp„ Arcâpep¡“y„ rhh¡Q“ L$fu iåv$h“dp„ rhlpf L$fhp“p¡ lsp¡. Ap L$pe®¾$ddp„ ApZ„v$, rhÛp“Nf“p 100 S>¡V$gp g¡ML$p¡, L$rhAp¡, âp¡a¡kfp¡ ‘^pep® lsp„.


On Date: 27 June 2015

With a view to establish and develop the moral values in youths whereby they serve their families, society and the nation as a whole, a youth shibir of volunteers who can do this job was organized in the presence of regional saint leader P. Gungrahakswami of Yogi Divine Society on Saturday, the 27th June 2015 at Bagodara in which, around 60 such youth volunteers had participated.

ir“hpf, sp. 27-06-2015 “p fp¡S> bNp¡v$fp dyL$pd¡ âpv$¡riL$ k„she® ‘|. NyZN°plL$õhpdu“p kp„r“Âedp„ eyhp L$pe®L$sp®Ap¡“u A¡L$ rirbf“y„ Apep¡S>“ L$fhpdp„ Apìey„ lsy„. kdpS>“p eyhp“p¡dp„ “¥rsL$ d|ëep¡“y„, k„õL$pfp¡“y„ qk„Q“ ’pe A“¡ ‘qfhpf-kdpS> A“¡ fpô²$“u k¡hpdp„ r“rdÑ b“¡ s¡hp eyhp“p¡ s¥epf L$fhp dpV¡$ L$pe®L$sp®Ap¡“¡ dpN®v$i®“ Ap‘hp“p l¡sy’u Apep¡Æs L$fpe¡g Ap rirbf“p¡ Apif¡ 60 S>¡V$gp eyhp“p¡A¡ gpc gu^p¡ lsp¡.

AYS - 2015, Surat
On Date: 28 June 2015

With a noble cause of providing most valuable and excellent guidance to the present day youths as to how they can save and keep themselves away from the adverse, bad and harmful misguiding effects and habits of TV, mobile, social media and addictions and how to concentrate on studies, a shibir of 2 sessions in the presence of regional saint leaders P. Sarvamangalswami, P. Brahmavihariswami and P. Shashwatswami was arranged on Sunday, the 28th June 2015 in Diamond School on Varachha Road in Surat. 1200 youths from 5 zones participated in the 1st shibir while 1500 youths participated from another 5 zones in the 2nd part of the shibir.

frhhpf, sp. 28-06-2015“p fp¡S> X$ped„X$ õLy$g hfpR>p fp¡X$, kyfs Mps¡ b¡ rhcpNdp„ eyhprirbf fpMhpdp„ Aphu lsu. â’d rhcpNdp„ ‘p„Q Tp¡““p 1200 eyhL$p¡A¡ gpc gu^p¡ lsp¡, S>epf¡ buÅ kÓdp„ buÅ ‘p„Q Tp¡““p 1500 eyhL$p¡A¡ Ap eyhp rirbf“p¡ gpc gu^p¡. âpv$¡riL$ k„she® ‘|. kh®d„Ngõhpdu, ‘|. b°ûrhlpfuõhpdu s’p ‘|. ipðsõhpdu“u r“îpdp„ ep¡Åe¡g Ap rirbfdp„ ApS>“p eyhp“p¡“¡ V$, dp¡bpBg, kp¡iueg rdX$uep, ìek“p¡ S>¡hu bv$uAp¡’u L¡$hu fus¡ bQu“¡ fl¡hy„ A“¡ A¡L$pN°sp’u L¡$hu fus¡ Aæepk L$fhp¡ s¡ A„N¡ Av¹$c|s dpN®v$i®“ dþey„.

Rural Area Awareness with Mobile Van
On Date: 01 July 2015
Activity: Medical Care

In an effort to check, control and stop the spread of Malaria along with other common/ordinary/routine diseases in remote/very backward/neglected areas and places in Panchmahal and Bharuch Dists, the mobile medical vans of Yogi Divine Society visited these places along with its concerned expert doctors of which, around 45 rural poor villagers took the benefit.

ep¡Nu rX$hpB“ kp¡kpeV$u Üpfp ‘„Qdlpg A“¡ cfyQ Ɖp“p Ars ‘R>ps NpdX$pAp¡dp„ d¡X$uL$g hp“ Üpfp r“óZp„s sbubp¡“¡ kp’¡ fpMu“¡ kpdpÞe rbdpfuAp¡“u kp’p¡kp’ d¡g¡fuep fp¡N“¡ a¡gpsp¡ AV$L$phhp âepk L$fhpdp„ Apìep¡. S>¡“p¡ Apif¡ 45 S>¡V$gp NpdX$pAp¡dp„ hksp N°pdS>“p¡A¡ gpc gu^p¡.

On Date: 05 July 2015

A youth Shibir (Camp) was arranged in the presence of P. Brahmavihariswami and P. Harisharanswami on Sunday, the 5th July 2015 for the youths of Naroda region of Ahmedabad with a main intention to guide them as to how they can live and enjoy a totally peaceful, happy and cheerful positive life in every situation of today’s/present life full of rush and tension at every step, everywhere in which, nearly 900 youths wholeheartedly participated and got a most valuable practical guidance for improving their present life.

frhhpf, sp. 05-07-2015“p fp¡S> Adv$phpv$“p “fp¡X$p rhõspf“p eyhL$p¡“u eyhprirbf“y„ Apep¡S>“ L$fhpdp„ Apìe„y lsy„. ApS>“p cpNv$p¡X$cep® Æh“dp„ lf¡L$ âk„N¡ L¡$hm ‘p¡TuV$uh Æh“ Æhu kyM-ip„rs A“¡ Ap“„v$ L¡$hu fus¡ âpá ’pe s¡ qirbf“p¡ dy¿e Dv¹$¡i lsp¡. âpv$¡riL$ k„she® ‘|. b°ûrhlpfuõhpdu s’p ‘|. lqfifZõhpdu“p kp„r“Âedp„ ep¡Åe¡g Ap rirbf“p¡ Apif¡ 900 S>¡V$gp eyhL$p¡A¡ gpc gu^p¡ lsp¡.

On Date: 05 July 2015

Youth awareness movement is one of the many social upliftment activities periodically and regularly carried out by Yogi Divine Society. Under and as a part of this youth awareness movement, a camp/shibir, under the guidance of regional saint P. Brahmavihariswami was organized at Navapura, near Ahmedabad in the conference hall of Shree Aksharpurushottam Swaminarayan Temple on Sunday, the 5th July 2015 so that the youths can properly, gainfully and successfully utilize the social media in today’s digital age and they remain free and away from all sorts of addictions and bad friendships and always keep the company of good, right and cultured friends. Nearly 450 youths from Nadipar area of Ahmedabad had participated in this shibir to take the best and the most valuable advantage of it.


ep¡Nu rX$hpB“ kp¡kpeV$u Üpfp L$fhpdp„ Aphsu kpdpÆL$ DÐ’p““u âh©rÑAp¡dp„ eyhp ÅN©rs Arcep“ A„sN®s eyhp“p¡ ApS>“p X$uÆV$g eyNdp„ eyhp“udp„ kamsp lp„kg L$fhp Social Media “p¡ ep¡Áe D‘ep¡N L$f¡ A“¡ ìek“, Ly$k„N’u vy$f flu kpfp rdÓp¡“p¡ k„Ndp„ r“f„sf fl¡ s¡ dpV¡$ hMsp¡ hMs eyhp rirbf“y„ Apep¡S>“ L$fhpdp„ Aphsy„ lp¡e R>¡. Aphu S> A¡L$ rirbf“y„ Apep¡S>“ âpv$¡riL$ k„she® ‘|. b°ûrhlpfu õhpdu“u r“îpdp„ frhhpf, sp.05-07-2015“p qv$hk¡ Adv$phpv$ “ÆL$ “hp‘yfp dyL$pd¡ îu Anf‘yfyjp¡Ñd õhprd“pfpeZ d„qv$f“p kcpM„X$dp„ L$fhpdp„ Apìey„ lsy„. S>¡dp„ Adv$phpv$“p “v$u‘pf rhõspf“p Apif¡ 450 S>¡V$gp eyhp“p¡ D‘[õ’s flu gpc gu^p¡ lsp¡.

On Date: 10 July 2015

On Friday, the 10th July 2015, the occasion of school entry celebration, a program of free distribution of Books, Note Books and other educational instruments/items to the students was jointly organized by Yogi Divine Society and Kabir Mandir in The Care Well High School at Mti/Movi, Tal. Zaghadia, Dist. Bharuch. P. Bhaktivallabhswami, P. Haribhushanswami and the saints from Kabir Mandir distributed educational stationeries to nearly 200 students.

iy¾hpf, sp. 10-07-2015 “p fp¡S> ^u L¡$fh¡g lpBõL|$g dy. dp¡hu, sp. TOX$uep, rS>. cê$Q Mps¡ ipmpâh¡ip¡Ðkh âk„N¡ ep¡Nu rX$hpB“ kp¡kpeV$u s’p L$buf d„qv$f“p k„eyL$s D‘¾$d¡ Aæepk L$fsp rhÛp’}Ap¡“¡¡ äu “p¡V$byL$-Qp¡‘X$uAp¡ s¡dS> Aæepk kpdN°u“p rhsfZ L¡$ç‘“y„ Apep¡S>“ L$fhpdp„ Apìey„ lsy„. ‘|. c[¼shëgcõhpdu, ‘|. lqfc|jZõhpdu A“¡ L$buf d„qv$f“p k„sp¡A¡ c¡Np dmu Apif¡ 200 rhÛp’}Ap¡“¡ i¥nrZL$ kp^“ kpdN°u“y„ rhsfZ L$e®y„ lsy„.