
Service unto Humanity is Service unto God !

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On Date: 28 December 2016
Activity: Medical Care

On account of World AIDS Day (1st December), Yogi Divine Society had organized a shibir on Wednesday, the 28th December 2016 in “Atmiya Sanskar Dham” at Bharuch to spread the awareness about AIDS in the society in which, around 250 gents and ladies had participated.

rhð A¡BX¹$k qv$hk (sp. 1gu qX$k¡çbf)“¡ A“ygnu“¡ ep¡Nu qX$hpB“ kp¡kpeV$u Üpfp by^hpf, sp.28-12-2016“p fp¡S> "ApÐdue k„õL$pf ^pd', cê$Q Mps¡ A¡BX¹$k rhi¡ ÅN©rs a¡gphhp dpV¡$ A¡L$ k¡rd“pf“y„ Apep¡S>“ L$fhpdp„ Apìey„ lsy„. S>¡“p¡ Apif¡ 250 S>¡V$gp cpBAp¡ s’p eyhL$p¡A¡ gpc gu^p¡ lsp¡.

On Date: 08 January 2017
Activity: Medical Care

A program of dedicating 4 medical mobile vans in the service of general public, at the hands of high dignitaries like the president of Yogi Divine Society P.P. Hariprasadswamiji, Sri Purushottambhai Rupala (Central Ag. Min.), Sri Kiritsinh Rana (MLA, Limbdi), Sri Bharatbhai Dangar (Mayor, Vadodara), Dr. Pareshbhai Dave (Adl. Health Dir., Gandhinagar), Sri Harindra Vala (108 Ambulance) and the institution’s elderly saints P. Kothariswami, P. Nirmalswami, P. Premswami, the secretary Sri Vitthaldas Patel, Sri Dave Saheb, was organized at 5.00 pm on Sunday, the 8th January 2017 at Haridham, Sokhada in the presence of around 23,000 people.

frhhpf, sp. 08-01-2017“p fp¡S> lqf^pd, kp¡MX$p Mps¡ kp„S>¡ 5:00 L$gpL¡$ Apep¡Æs L$pe®¾$ddp„ ep¡Nu qX$hpB“ kp¡kpeV$u“p AÝen ‘.‘|.lqfâkpv$õhpduÆ s’p îu ‘yfyjp¡sdcpB ê$‘pgp kpl¡b (L¡$ÞÖue L©$rj d„Óuîu), îu qL$fuV$tkl fpZp (^pfpkæeîu, g]bX$u), îu cfscpB X$p„Nf (d¡efîu, hX$p¡v$fp), X$p¸.‘f¡icpB v$h¡ (A¡X$u. l¡ë’ X$pef¡¼V$fîu, Np„^u“Nf), îu lqfÞÖ hpgp (108 A¡çåeygÞk) s’p k„õ’p“p hX$ugp¡ ‘|.L$p¡W$pfuõhpdu, ‘|.r“d®mõhpdu, ‘|.â¡dõhpdu, k„õ’p“p k¡¾¡$V$fuîu rhÌ$gv$pk ‘V¡$g, îu v$h¡ kpl¡b S>¡hp dlp“ycphp¡“p lõs¡ Apif¡ 23,000 gp¡L$p¡“u D‘[õ’rsdp„ Qpf d¡qX$L$g dp¡bpBg hp““y„ gp¡L$p‘®Z L$fhpdp„ Apìey„ lsy„.

On Date: 19 January 2017
Activity: Medical Care

The medical mobile van dedicated in the public services by Yogi Divine Society on 8th January 2017 at Haridham, Sokhada, Vadodara in the presence of institution’s President P.P. Hariprasadswamiji, its elderly saints, Sri Purushottambhai Rupala (Central Agr. Min.), Dr. Pareshbhai Dave (Addl. Health Dir., Gandhinagar) and the other dignitaries was put in the actual services at Kalidodi on Thursday, the 19th January 2017 while also inaugurating the primary health center in the institution’s complex premises of Kalidodi.

ep¡Nu qX$hpB“ kp¡kpeV$u Üpfp Ns sp.08-01-2017“p fp¡S> lqf^pd Mps¡, k„õ’p“p AÝen ‘.‘|.lqfâkpv$õhpduÆ, hX$ug k„sp¡, îu ‘yfyjp¡ÑdcpB ê$‘pgp (L¡$ÞÖue L©$rj d„Óuîu), X$p¸.‘f¡icpB v$h¡ (A¡X$u. l¡ë’ X$pef¡¼V$fîu, Np„^u“Nf) s’p AÞe dlp“ycphp¡“u D‘[õ’rsdp„ gp¡L$p‘®Z L$fhpdp„ Aph¡g d¡X$uL$g dp¡bpBg hp““¡ Nyfyhpf sp. 19/01/2017“p fp¡S> L$pmuX$p¡mu Mps¡ gp¡L$k¡hp dpV¡$ afsu dyL$hpdp„ Aphu lsu. kp’p¡kp’ k„õ’p Üpfp L$pmuX$p¡mu“p k„Ly$gdp„ âp’rdL$ Apfp¡Áe L¡$ÞÖ“u ‘Z iê$Aps L$fhpdp„ Aphu lsu. Ap Ahkf¡ k„õ’p“p k„sp¡, L$pe®L$sp®Ap¡“u kp’¡ kp¡Y$pZu apDÞX¡$i“ hsu îu rhdgcpB kp¡Y$pZu kpl¡b s¡dS> AÞe 425 S>¡V$gp N°pdhpkuAp¡ ‘Z D‘[õ’s füp lsp.

On Date: 26 January 2017
Activity: Medical Care

Yogi Divine Society, Sokhada, Vadodara had organized a Blood Donation Camp in “Atmiya Vidya Niketan” school, Nirnay Nagar, Ranip, Ahmedabad on Thursday, the 26th January 2017. The saints and the boys/youths of the institution had donated 200 units of blood in this camp organized with the cooperation from Gujarat Blood Bank, Ahmedabad and had thus spread the fragrance of social service.

Nyê$hpf, sp.26-01-2017“p fp¡S> Adv$phpv$ Mps¡, r“Z®e“Nf, fpZu‘dp„ Aph¡g "ApÐdue rhÛp r“L¡$s“' õLy$g Mps¡ ep¡Nu qX$hpB“ kp¡kpeV$u Üpfp f¼sv$p“ rirbf“y„ Apep¡S>“ L$fhpdp„ Apìey„ lsy„. NyS>fps ågX$b¢L$ - Adv$phpv$“p klep¡N’u ep¡Åe¡g Ap f¼sv$p“ rirbfdp„ k„õ’p“p k„sp¡ s’p cpBAp¡A¡ fL$sv$p“ L$fu“¡ 200 eyr“V$ ågX$ A¡L$Ó L$fu dp“h k¡hp“u dl¡L$ âkfphu lsu.

On Date: 26 January 2017
Activity: Medical Care

On account of the Republic Day of India, MLA of Bardoli, Sri Ishwarbhai Parmar (Anil Parmar) and Yogi Divine Society had jointly organized a Blood Donation Camp on Thursday, the 26th January 2017 in Bardoli College, Swaraj Ashram Ground, Bardoli for the benefit of our country’s brave warriors who are protecting the frontiers of our nation at the risk/cost of their life. In this camp, the institution’s volunteers, youths and the residents of Bardoli had jointly collected 150 units of blood.

Nyê$hpf, sp.26-01-2017“p fp¡S> bpfX$p¡gu Npd¡ õhfpS> Apîd N°pDÞX$, bpfX$p¡gu L$p¡g¡S> Mps¡, bpfX$p¡gu“p ^pfpkæeîu BðfcpB ‘fdpf (Ar“g ‘fdpf) s’p ep¡Nu qX$hpB“ kp¡kpeV$u Üpfp âÅkÑpL$qv$““¡ A“ygnu“¡ cpfs“u kflv$¡ ‘p¡sp“p Å““u bpÆ gNphu“¡ kflv$¡ fnp L$fsp„ huf S>hp“p¡“p gpcp’£ f¼sv$p“ rirbf“y„ Apep¡S>“ L$fhpdp„ Apìey„ lsy„. Ap f¼sv$p“ rirbfdp„ k„õ’p“p L$pe®L$sp®Ap¡, eyhL$p¡ s’p bpfX$p¡gu“p “NfS>“p¡A¡ c¡Np dmu“¡ 150 eyr“V$ ågX$ A¡L$Ó L$ey¯ lsy„.

On Date: 09 February 2017
Activity: Medical Care

A medical mobile van provided to Yogi Divine Society by the Govt. of Guj. for public services was dedicated to public at “Bhaktidham”, Netrang on Thursday, the 9th February 2017 in the presence of the elderly saints from Haridham Sri Vitthaldas Patel (Sec.), assembly member from Bharuch Sri Mansukhbhai Vasava, MLA Sri Motibhai Vasava, Ex. Pres. of Narmada Zilla Panchayat Sri Shankarbhai Vasava and many other socio-political leaders and nearly 5000 ladies and gents from this area. The institution will provide free medical services to the poor and deserving people from the interior parts of Dediyapada Taluka with the help of this Mobile Medical Van.

Nyê$hpf, sp.09-02-2017“p fp¡S> "c[¼s^pd', “¡Ó„N Mps¡ NyS>fps kfL$pf Üpfp ep¡Nu qX$hpB“ kp¡kpeV$u“¡ gp¡L$k¡hp’£ âpá ’e¡g d¡qX$L$g dp¡bpBg hp““y„ gp¡L$p‘®Z lqf^pd’u ‘^pf¡g hX$ug k„sp¡, îu rhÌ$gv$pk ‘V¡$g (k¡¾¡$V$fuîu), cê$Q“p kp„kv$ îu d“kyMcpB hkphp, ^pfpkæeîu dp¡sucpB hkphp, “d®v$p Ɖp ‘„Qpes“p ‘|h® âdyMîu i„L$fcpB hkphp s’p AÞe fpS>L$ue s’p kpdpÆL$ AN°ZuAp¡ s¡dS> Ap rhõspf“p 5000’u h^y cpBAp¡, bl¡“p¡“u D‘[õ’rsdp„ L$fhpdp„ Apìey„ lsy„. k„õ’p Üpfp Ap d¡qX$L$g dp¡bpBg hp““p dpÝed’u X¡$X$uep‘pX$p spgyL$p“p A„sfuepm Npdp¡dp„ hksp„ Apv$uhpku N°pdS>“p¡“¡ sbubu klpe ‘lp¢QpX$hpdp„ Aphi¡.

On Date: 12 February 2017
Activity: Medical Care

Awakening the people about their health also is one of the social service activities regularly conducted by Yogi Divine Society in the society under which, it tries to develop awareness in the public about their health and, as a part of such activity, it had organized a shibir on Pranayam at Yogidham, Rajkot on Sunday, the 12th February 2017 where, the yogacharya Sri Bahadursinhji had guided nearly 150 participants to maintain good health through pranayams in the presence of P. Tyagvallabhswamiji.

ep¡Nu qX$hpB“ kp¡kpeV$u“u A“¡L$rh^ âh©rÑAp¡ ‘¥L$u A¡L$ A¡V$g¡ õhpõÕe ÅN©rs“u âh©rÑ. k„õ’p Üpfp AgN AgN õ’mp¡A¡, r“óZp„sp¡“p klep¡N’u S>“kdpS>dp„ õhpõÕe A„N¡ ÅN©rs L¡$mhpe s¡ dpV¡$ âeГp¡ L$fhpdp„ Aph¡ R>¡, Aphp¡ S> A¡L$ âepk ep¡Nu^pd, fpS>L$p¡V$ Mps¡ frhhpf sp.12-02-2017“p fp¡S> L$fhpdp„ Apìep¡ lsp¡. ep¡NpQpe® îu blpvy$ftklÆ Üpfp D‘[õ’s Apif¡ 150 gp¡L$p¡“¡ âpZpepd Üpfp õhpõÕe ÅmhZu L¡$hu fus¡ L$fhu s¡ A„N¡ dpN®v$i®“ Ap‘hpdp„ Apìey„ lsy„, Ap Ahkf¡ ‘|.ÐepNh‰cõhpdu ‘Z D‘[õ’s füp lsp.

On Date: 19 February 2017

As a part of 387th birthday anniversary celebrations of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj, “R.K. HIV Aids Research & Care Center” had, under the “Healthy Life” program, organized the world’s biggest Free General Medical Camp in Bandra Kurla Complex in Mumbai on Sunday, the 19th February 2017 in which, with the cooperation and assistance from more than 5,000 doctors and 20,000 paramedical staff from more than 50 famous/renowned hospitals from different places of entire Maharashtra had checked/diagnosed 1,80,000 persons for their different diseases and had given them the required medicines free of cost. Even the note of this Medical Camp was taken in the “Guinness Book of World Records” also. In this sacrifice of services, Yogi Divine Society (Haridham—Sokhada) also had participated at its best and given the maximum possible cooperation for which, it was also awarded a “Participation Certificate”.

R>Ó‘rs rihpÆ dlpfpS>“p 387dp S>Þdqv$hk“u DS>hZu“p cpN ê$‘¡ frhhpf, sp.19-02-2017“p fp¡S> dy„bB“p bp„Öp Ly$gp® L$p¡ç‘g¡n Mps¡ "R.K.HIV AIDS RESEARCH & CARE CENTRE" Üpfp "õhõ’ Æ„v$Nu' L$pe®¾$d AÞhe¡ rhð“p kp¥’u dp¡V$p r“:iyëL$ S>“fg d¡qX$L$g L¡$ç‘“y„ Apep¡S>“ L$fhpdp„ Apìey„ lsy„. dlpfpô²$“p AgN AgN õ’mp¡A¡’u k¡hp’£ Aph¡g 5000’u h^y sbubp¡ s’p 20000’u h^y ‘¡fpd¡qX$L$g õV$pa“p klL$pf’u ep¡Åe¡g Ap L¡$ç‘dp„ 50’u h^y “pdp„qL$s lp¸[õ‘V$gp¡A¡ cpN gB Apif¡ 1,80,000’u h^y gp¡L$p¡“u AgN-AgN rbdpfuAp¡“y„ $r“v$p“ L$fu r“:iyëL v$hpAp¡“y„ rhsfZ L$fhpdp„ Apìey„ lsy„. Ap d¡qX$L$g L¡$ç‘“u "Nu“¡k byL$ Ap¡a hëX$® f¡L$p¡X®$'dp„ ‘Z “p¢^ g¡hpdp„ Aphu lsu. Ap k¡hpeodp„ ep¡Nu qX$hpB“ kp¡kpeV$u (lqf^pd-kp¡MX$p)A¡ ‘Z rhrh^ fus¡ klcpNu ’B klL$pf Apàep¡ lsp¡ s¡ bv$g ep¡Nu qX$hpC“ kp¡kpeV$u“¡ klcpNusp âdpZ‘Ó A¡“pes L$fhpdp„ Apìey„ lsy„.