
Service unto Humanity is Service unto God !

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  Name Description Activity Location
Atmiya Sparsh - 2017, Arsan

Yogi Divine Society had organized “Atmiya Sparsh” meeting at Arsan village of tal. zilla Navsari on Tuesday, the 21st February 2017 in the presence of P. Sarvamangalswami in which, along with institution’s elders and youth volunteers, around 750 ladies and gents from Arsan and its surrounding villages remained present and had received guidance like the golden keys of living happy life.

d„Nmhpf, sp. 21-02-2017“p fp¡S> ‘|.kh®d„Ngõhpdu“u D‘[õ’rsdp„ sp.Æ. “hkpfu“p AfkpZ Npd¡ "ApÐdue õ‘i®' kcp“y„ Apep¡S>“ ep¡Nu qX$hpB“ kp¡kpeV$u Üpfp L$fhpdp„ Apìey„ lsy„. Ap kcpdp„ k„õ’p“p hX$ug s’p eyhp L$pe®L$sp®Ap¡“u kp’p¡kp’ AfkpZ s’p Apk‘pk“p Npdp¡“p Apif¡ 750 cpBAp¡, bl¡“p¡A¡ D‘[õ’s flu k„õ’p“p k„sp¡ ‘pk¡’u kyMu Æh“ Æhhp“u Qphu kdp“ k|Q“p¡ âpá L$ep® lsp„.

Moral & Social Care Jalalpore/Sachin
Education Awareness in "Shivji Ki Savari" - 2017, Vadodara

On account of holy festival of Mahashivratri, a procession, with the big statues of Lord Shiva and His family, named “Shivji Ki Savari” is taken out in Vadodara city every year in which, many social and religious institutions also participate with their own floats. Yogi Divine Society had participated with a float on the theme of “Awareness for Education” in which, under the leadership of P. Suchetanswami and P. Praneshswami, around 70 ladies, gents and youths had joined in the procession on Friday, the 24th February 2017 this year.

dlprihfpÓu“p ‘ph“ ‘h£ v$f hj¡® hX$p¡v$fp il¡fdp„ "rihÆ L$u khpfu' - L$pe®¾$ddp„ cNhp“ rih A“¡ s¡d“p ‘qfhpf“u rhipm d|rs®“u ip¡cpepÓp“y„ Apep¡S>“ L$fhpdp„ Aph¡ R>¡. Ap epÓpdp„ hX$p¡v$fp il¡f“u rhrh^ kpdpÆL$-^prd®L$ k„õ’pAp¡ ‘Z ‘p¡s-‘p¡sp“p agp¡V¹$k gB“¡ kpd¡g ’pe R>¡. Ap hj¡¡® iy¾$hpf, sp. 24-02-2017“p fp¡S> ep¡Åe¡g Ap epÓpdp„ ep¡Nu qX$hpB“ kp¡kpeV$uA¡ i¥nrZL$ ÅN©rs“u ’ud ‘f ãgp¡V$ b“phu cpN gu^p¡ lsp¡. k„õ’p“p 70 S>¡V$gp hX$ugp¡-bpmL$p¡ A“¡ eyhp“p¡ k„she® ‘|.kyQ¡s“õhpdu s’p ‘|.âpZ¡iõhpdu“u ApN¡hp“udp„ Ap “NfepÓpdp„ Å¡X$pep lsp„.

Educational & Vocational Care Vadodara
Exam Guidance Programme for SSC, HSC Students - 2017, Anjar

As the examinations of Std. 10th & 12th decide the careers of students, Yogi Divine Society had organized a program of guiding them for the same in Prajapati Chhatralay of Anjar in Kutch Dist. on Friday, the 24th Feb 2017 in which, around 50 students from these standards had participated for their March 17 exams.

^p¡fZ 10 A“¡ 12“u ‘funpAp¡ A¡ L$pfL$uqv$®“u qv$ip “½$u L$f“pfu NZpe R>¡ Ðepf¡ iy¾$hpf, sp. 24-02-2017“p fp¡S> ep¡Nu qX$hpB“ kp¡kpeV$u Üpfp L$ÃR> Ɖp“p A„Åf Mps¡ Aph¡g âÅ‘rs R>pÓpgedp„ ^p¡fZ-10 A“¡ 12“p 50 S>¡V$gp rhÛp’}Ap¡“¡ ApNpdu dpQ®-2017dp„ ep¡Å“pf bp¡X®$“u ‘funp A„N¡ dpN®v$i®“ Ap‘hpdp„ Apìey„ lsy„.

Educational & Vocational Care Kutch/Bhuj
Medical Camp - Feb. 2017, Vishrampura

A free medical and blood donation camp was organized by Yogi Divine Society, Haridham, Sokhada, Vadodara in Government’s School at Vishrampura village in Padra Tal. of Vadodara Dist. on Sunday, the 26th February 2017 with the assistance from various medical institutions in which, 1546 patients had got 2561 different consultations done free of charge by the concerned expert doctors and had got their diseases diagnosed with free supply of require medicines where, 184 cardiograms and 185 random blood sugar (Diabetes) tests for the patients were also done and 175 units of blood was also donated by the volunteers from the institution as well as by the people from the surrounding villages.

frhhpf, sp.26-02-2017“p fp¡S> ep¡Nu qX$hpB“ kp¡kpeV$u Üpfp hX$p¡v$fp Ɖp“p ‘pv$fp spgyL$p“p rhîpd‘yfp Npddp„ kfL$pfu õL|$gdp„ d¡X$uL$g L¡$ç‘ s’p f¼sv$p“ L¡$ç‘“y„ Apep¡S>“ rhrh^ sbubu k„õ’pAp¡“p klep¡N’u L$fhpdp„ Apìey„ lsy„. Ap d¡X$uL$g L¡$ç‘dp„ 1546 v$v$}Ap¡A¡ rhrh^ 2561 S>¡V$gp L$ÞkgV¡$i“ Üpfp r“óZp„s sbubp¡ ‘pk¡’u ‘p¡sp“p fp¡N“p D‘Qpf rhi¡ dprlsu d¡mhu lsu s’p kh£ v$v$}Ap¡“¡ r“:iyëL$ v$hpAp¡“y„ rhsfZ L$fhpdp„ Apìey„ lsy„. Ap D‘fp„s 184 v$v$}Ap¡“p L$pqX®$ep¡N°pd V¡$õV$ s’p 185 v$v$}Ap¡“p f¡ÞX$d ågX$ kyNf V¡$õV$ (X$pepbuV$uk V¡$õV$) L$fhpdp„ Apìep lsp. S>epf¡ d¡X$uL$g L¡$ç‘“u kp’p¡kp’ Apep¡Æs ågX$ X$p¡“¡i“ L¡$ç‘dp„ k„õ’p“p L$pe®L$sp® s’p Apk‘pk“p N°pdhpkuAp¡A¡ 175 eyr“V$ ågX$ Apàey„ lsy„.

Medical Care Padra/Jambusar
Exam Guidance Programme for SSC, HSC Students - 2017, Navsari

Yogi Divine Society had organized a seminar at Navsari on Sunday, the 26th February 2017 on guidance for forthcoming examinations of Std. 10th & 12th in March, in the presence of P. Suhradjivanswami, the regional saint, in which, around 130 students attended and got guidance about precaution for exams.

ep¡Nu qX$hpB“ kp¡kpeV$u Üpfp ApNpdu hj£ dpQ® drl“pdp„ g¡hp“pf ^p¡fZ 10 A“¡ 12“u bp¡X$®“u ‘funp“¡ A“ygnu“¡ frhhpf, sp.26-02-2017“p fp¡S> “hkpfu dyL$pd¡ ‘funp dpN®v$i®“ k¡rd“pf“y„ Apep¡S>“ L$fhpdp„ Apìey lsy„. âpv$¡riL$ k„s ‘|.kyùv$Æh“õhpdu“u D‘[õ’rsdp„ ep¡Åe¡g Ap k¡rd“pfdp„ 130 S>¡V$gp rhÛp’}Ap¡¡A¡ lpS>f flu ‘funpdp„ L¡$hu kph^p“uAp¡ fpMhu s¡ A„N¡ dpN®v$i®“ d¡mìey„ lsy„.

Educational & Vocational Care Navsari/Bardoli/Kamrej
Volunteer's Shibir - 2017, Ahmedabad

A shibir for volunteers of Gandhinagar, Ahmedabad (Suhrad Pradesh), always ready to execute all the social service activities by Yogi Divine Society, was organized for 2 days on 25th & 26th June 2017 at Dantee in which, around 216 volunteers from the pradesh were trained as to how to act during different circumstances while carrying out various projects of social services.

ep¡Nu qX$hpB“ kp¡kpeV$u“u rhrh^ k¡hpL$ue âh©rÑAp¡“p hplL$ A¡hp k„õ’p“p Adv$phpv$-Np„^u“Nf“p (kyùv$ âv$¡i) L$pe®L$sp®Ap¡“u b¡ qv$hk“u rirbf sp. 25-02-2017 s’p 26-02-2017“p fp¡S> v$p„su dyL$pd¡ ep¡S>hpdp„ Aphu lsu. kdpS>k¡hp“p rhrh^ âL$ë‘p¡“y„ hl“ L$fsu hMs¡ Dcu ’su rhrcß ‘qf[õ’rsAp¡dp„ L¡$hu fus¡ hs®hy„ s¡ A„N¡ Ap rirbfdp„ L$pe®L$sp®Ap¡“¡ spgud Ap‘hpdp„ Aphu lsu, S>¡“p¡ âv$¡i“p 216 L$pe®L$sp®Ap¡A¡ gpc gu^p¡ lsp¡.

Moral & Social Care Ahmedabad/Gandhinagar
Youth Assembly - 2017, Chrisrtchurch, NZ

With an aim of guiding the Indian youths living on the soil of New Zealand to preserve their hereditary culture and saving them from the addictions-evil company for their success in studies, Yogi Divine Society had, as a part of its Youth Awakening Campaign, organized a youth gathering on Sunday, the 26th February 2017 in the presence of P.P. Hariprasadswami in which, around 80 youths from Christchurch and its surrounding areas had participated.

frhhpf, sp.26/02/2017“p fp¡S> eyhp ÅN©rs Arcep“ A„sN®s ep¡Nu qX$hpB“ kp¡kpeV$u Üpfp ÞeyTug¡ÞX$“u ^fsu ‘f hksp cpfsue eyhp“p¡“p k„õL$pf hpfkp“y„ S>s“ ’pe A“¡ rhv$¡i“u c|rd ‘f ìek“-Ly$k„N’u bQu“¡ Ap eyhL$p¡ Aæepk s¡dS> L$pfqL$v$} n¡Ó¡ kamsp d¡mh¡ s¡ A„N¡ dpN®v$i®“ Ap‘hp“p l¡sy’u eyhpkcp“y„ Apep¡S>“ L$fhpdp„ Apìey„ lsy„. ‘.‘|.lqfâkpv$õhpdu“u âÐen r“îpdp„ ep¡Åe¡g Ap kcpdp„ ¾$pBõV$QQ® s’p Apk‘pk“p rhõspf“p Apif¡ 80 S>¡V$gp eyhL$p¡A¡ gpc gu^p¡ lsp¡.

Moral & Social Care New Zealand
Mobile Van Visit in Villages of Kalidoli - February 2017 Medical Care Dabhoi/Nasvadi/Kawant/Chhota Udaipur